I came in 1990 with a youth group when I was 14 years old. I saw lots of signs and had an encounter with Our Lady, and it gave me solid ground to stand on through the difficult high school and college years.
I have found that I need to give my kids an experience, an encounter with God that’s outside of me and my lens and our parish. We have to get them out so that they can realize what a treasure our family prayer is and what a treasure the Eucharist is and our parish is back home. But just sitting at home, going to school and having it all just preached to them, they also need to have their own encounter. And so coming to Medjugorje, they get away and they can encounter God in a new way, just themselves and then they can come home and they realize the treasure that it is back home.
So I’m bring the whole family this June. I have seven kids.
We’re gonna give them to Our Lady and let her have them for two weeks!
Mike’s parents founded MaryTV which shares daily events of Medjugorje with the world. http://marytv.tv
Mike Nolan also wrote the original music for the Stella Mar Films documentary Apparition Hill.