Rachel – Part 2
I just felt really called. I was like, “Our Blessed Mother wants me to go here.” I saw the movie [Apparition Hill] and then something just shifted in my heart, “I’ve known about this place, and I’ve been called to this place since I was 16. I think I was always supposed to go here.” Then the confirmation of that the entire time we were there was just so strong.
I remember when we climbed Apparition Hill, that I got separated from the group somehow. I still don’t know how that happened. I ended up being up there at some point by myself. I remember kind of being scared, like, “I’m away from the group. I’m kind of freaked out.”
I remember, in that moment, it being so still, and the Blessed Mother saying, “I brought you here so many miles away. Now you’re sitting here by yourself away from everybody. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
I think when you have really bad trauma – and I’ve almost died other times – you really think you’re fragile. You think, “Something bad is going to happen to me.” Like being scared to travel, being scared to be alone, different things. And I felt like it was really Her moment, and She was like, “You are not fragile. You are so strong, and your spirit is so strong. I am always with you. You are here in my Immaculate Heart, and nothing bad is going to happen to you.” I remember that so intently in my heart.
It was really amazing, for someone who is scared to travel, when you’re sitting on the top of a mountain halfway across the world, and you’re like, “I’m okay. I did this.” It was a really big surrender and trust moment.
I really think that’s what She was trying to give me. I didn’t really see myself as truly strong until that moment. I wanted to be, but I didn’t really think I was.
I feel like She gave me such a gift of Her Son.

I’ve always been close to the Blessed Mother. Always. That was my go to, since I was very little. The Blessed Mother saved me. She saved my life when I was little. And I was closer to Her than Jesus. I feel like He gave me Her because He was like, “She will watch over you and protect you.” And She did. She held me.
I really feel like in that moment in Medjugorje, She gave me to Her Son. And I never felt closer to Jesus than I did in Medjugorje. I do think that was one of the big reasons She brought me there, so that She could reconnect me to Her Son and to give me to Her Son again. It was a very big moment.
I always find it interesting when people are like, “Why do you pray to the Blessed Mother?” or people who get so stuck on that, and I’m like, “She literally brings you to Her Son. You can’t get to Her and not end up with Her Son.” But people don’t understand that. I feel so sad for people who don’t have a relationship with Her.
She’s so good. I love Her. She’s saved my life so many times.”
Continue to Part 3

Continue to Part 3