Jeannie and Nicole
We met 20 year ago at Church
Jeannie:I saw the film Apparition Hill a few years ago and I absolutely fell in love with the story. Funny enough Nicole sent me an email saying that she was going to Medjugorje and asked if I wanted to go. I told my husband how badly I wanted to go and he really encouraged me to. So here we are! It’s been such a blessing, well actually, today was a triple blessing because we prayed the Rosary on Apparition Hill with Ivan (with a thousand other people, haha), we heard Jackov give his talk this morning, and then we had Father Leon, who is hysterical, give his talk to the pilgrims.
We both read My Heart Will Triumph by Mirjana before coming. Everybody should read it! I want to buy bulk issues and give them out to people.
All of the visionaries exuded so much joy and love. I just think that if we met Mary face-to-face every day, how holy would we be?
Nicole: I read some books from Wayne Weible years ago and that’s how I got introduced to the Apparitions. It was one of those “pie in the sky” maybe someday I’ll get their sort of things that eventually just worked out perfectly. God works out all the details, the place where I work is shut down for a week and a half, which is the same time that I am here, so I didn’t have to take any additional time off. It was meant to be, and I am just so thankful.
I began praying and asking that a friend would come along with me. I ask Our Lady if she would remove any obstacles for the friend that would be coming. Then finally Jean, after just mentioning it, called me weeks later and said she was coming!
Jeannie: I’m so glad we came together, this way our brains will fill in for each other and help us remember things we heard and saw.
Nicole: Being able to share this experience will be huge. Unless you’ve been here it’s hard to explain, and having someone to talk about it with is such a consolation.
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Jeannie and Nicole (Columbus, Ohio)