*Pure In Heart is an international Catholic Movement of young adults who through prayer and friendship, strive to learn, live and share the truth, beauty and meaning of human sexuality.
I was in Medjugorje when Pure in Heart gave a talk at the youth festival. It really resonated with me because it aligned with a commitment I’d made in my teenage years, but I hadn’t thought about it much after that. I could see the real reason why Theology of the Body is so important, especially in today’s society. I felt very blessed to hear that message when I did, whereas a lot of people in Catholic and secular schools didn’t hear about it (chastity) at all. I took it as a gift to be told about God’s plan for our love lives. I felt as though I’d been entrusted with this gift and it’s something special to be able to share it with people and pass it on to them so they can know about it, share it, and themselves live that life.
When I first started giving these talks, I thought people might not how to take it, they might not receive the presentation. The response was really good. I wasn’t expecting that. Even if you give a talk and touch only a few, the entire talk is worth it, even if it is just one or two hearts.
When I was in Medjugorje, I was given an invitation to attend the canonization of John Paul II in Rome. When I went over, I remembered everything from his teaching in Theology of the Body. He is an amazing saint who really does a lot for the youth with World Youth Day and Theology of the Body. I reflected on that afterwards and that strengthened my resilience and my faith in belief in his teaching. So I attribute it a bit to the intercession of John Paul II as well. Being in Medjugorje and receiving the invite to attend the canonization all kind of fit together, being that I first learned about Pure in Heart here in Medjugorje.